Written by Wednesday, 04 May 2016 Published in Berita
Kepada Yth. Bapak Joko Widodo Presiden Republik Indonesia Di Jakarta   Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi wa Barakaatuh Semoga Bapak Presiden senantiasa dilimpahi kesehatan sehingga dapat menjalankan peran-peran penting Bapak dalam menghadirkan negara dalam kehidupan setiap warga negara Indonesia. Bapak Presiden yang saya banggakan, mungkin bapak telah membaca berita tentang ditemukannya perempuan belia yang tak lagi bernyawa di Kabupaten Rejang Lebong, Provinsi Bengkulu belum lama ini. Bapak Presiden mungkin juga sudah tahu bahwa gadis yang lebih tepat disebut anak-anak itu kehilangan nyawa setelah diperkosa oleh 14 orang yang kebetulan berjenis kelamin yang sama dengan saya dan Bapak Presiden, laki-laki. Kematian perempuan korban perkosaan…
Written by Saturday, 23 April 2016 Published in Berita
Rifka Annisa Women's Crisis Center in cooperation with the Smart House of Nur'aini, Majlis Ta'lim Muti'ah and Forum for Female Student Gathering of Jeruksari held a mentoring for teenagers with the theme "Building Healthy Teen Relationships and Reproductive Health". Core activity of this event was outbound along with teenage built Smart House Nur'aini and implemented in the area of ​​the Smart House of Nur'aini, Jeruksari RT 01 RW 20, Wonosari, Gunungkidul from 09:30 to 14:30 pm. Andriana, as chairman of the Smart House of Nur'aini as well as chairman of the committee explained the importance of the event due to…
Written by Thursday, 31 March 2016 Published in Berita
On Saturday, 19 March 2016 there was an acoustic art performance together with Rannisakustik and Organ Tunggal in the district Kulonprogo, Yogyakarta. The show took place as campaign towards an environment free from violence against women and children. Within the framework of the International Women’s Day Rifka Annisa arranged the musical show to attract attention on the issue of violence against women and children. The show took place in the form of a collaboration concert between Rannisakustik and Organ Tunggal. It was visited by many people, consist of men, women and interested children. The event started with the introduction of…
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