Written by Wednesday, 26 July 2017 Published in Berita
GUNUNGKIDUL - Kasus kejahatan melibatkan anak masih tinggi. Berdasarkan data dari kepolisian setempat, dalam kurun waktu 2015 hingga 2017 ada puluhan anak berurusan dengan hukum. Unit Perlindungan Perempuan dan Anak Polres Gunungkidul mencatat pada 2015 jumlah kasus 16. Setahun kemudian naik menjadi 27 kasus. Tahun ini sampai 1 Mei tercatat delapan anak terimpit kasus hukum. "Anak-anak menjadi korban sekaligus pelaku kejahatan," kata Panit Humas Polres Gunungkidul, Iptu Ngadino kemarin (1/5). Jumlah kasus bervariasi, mulai pencurian dengan kekerasan hingga pencabulan. Jumlah korban didominasi anak perempuan. Maraknya tindak kejahatan melibatkan anak harus menjadi perhatian bersama. Selain itu, idealnya ada upaya pencegahan. "Pencegahan…
Written by Wednesday, 26 July 2017 Published in Berita
Yogyakarta (20/7) Poltekes (Medical Polytechnic) of Yogyakarta visited Rifka Annisa Women Crisis Center as a forum to gain knowledge or obtain clear information especially on cases of victims of violence faced by women and children. A total of 36 female students and 2 lecturers from Poltekes attended the visit and discussion. "Our aim is that when we visit Rifka Annisa, students can find out what methods will be done when facing violent cases," said Niken, one of the lecturers at Poltekes Yogyakarta. In the meeting, Suharti as director of Rifka Annisa present subjected related to Rifka Annisa and explain some cases handled by Rifka…
Written by Wednesday, 26 July 2017 Published in Berita
Gunungkidul (19/7) - Students of SMK Negeri 1 Ngawen, Gunungkidul Regency performed drama in School Introduction activities (PLS) as a way to make it easier for new student to see the reality that happened. The 30 minute drama show is associated with Rifka Annisa's topic on "Healthy Relations". Attended by 357 students, this drama got a good appreciation by the participants. Peer educators who were accompanied by Rifka Annisa in the late one year realized that it would be more interesting to socialize "Healthy relations" through drama performances. Peer educator community also agreed to perform a drama with the title "Pacaran Masa Kini"…
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