By : Ratnasari Nugraheni
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

A number of activists from DIY and Centrak Java gathered in Yogyakarta landsmark Tugu on Saturday March 8, celebrating the International Women’s Day (IWD). As many as 50 people gathered around tugu at 08.30 am (GMT+7). Wearing red and white outift, they posed several banners and distributed stickers voicing their concern on rape.

The action, initiated by the Women Advocacy Community (Link-AP), took the theme of “Smart Election, Safe Indonesian Women from Sexual Abused.” The activists in general highlighted that legislative candidates should pay more attention to survivors. Upon their speech, they mentioned that (1) rapist should receive harsher sentence; (2) the government should come up with a specific law on sexual abuse; (3) the government should ratify the draft bill on gender and justice equality (RUU KKG); (4) the government should assure the 12 rights of women sexual health and reproduction; (5) people should vote legislative candidates that concern fighting violence against women; (6) and people should vote candidates that are aware towards women rights.

“The vision and mission of IWD this year are to persuade all people to safe women and choose the right candidate, especially the one having some interest on women issues”, said Maria Suciati, the activist coordinator. She added that the action on Tugu was not the beginning, peak, or ending of IWD. The overall struggle aims to support women from injustice, where all people should be involved in realizing itr – particularly the leaders and government.

By: Ratnasari Nugraheni
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Following the success of last year’s youth camp, Rifka Annisa held another youth camp on March 6-9, in Pop Hotel Yogyakarta. Supervised by the United Nation Trust Find (UNTF), the event donned the theme of “Spread Love, Stay Away from Violence.”

The event had 21 teenage participants of 10 males and 11 females. They came from various cities in Indonesia namely Aceh, Jakarta, Yogyakarta, and Makassar, representing Rifka Annisa’s affiliation such as KKTGA, LBH APIK, and LBHP2I.

The participants looked enthusiastic in each and every session from discussion on stereotype to movement to prevent violence against women. Their real contribution were as shown in the the International Women Days action on March 8, where they voiced their concern with the Women Advocacy Community (Link AP)

“I am really excited about this Youth Camp. I hope that this activity has a follow-up”, commented a participant from Aceh. Another participant from Yogyakarta added, “Through Youth Camp, I understand what gender is. I hope I can share the information and knowledge with my friends.”

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